Mismatch between the order of the type variable and the order of the SAM method formal parameters

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Thu Sep 15 08:56:01 PDT 2011

In general, it is best if methods that have a single lambda parameter have the lambda parameter last.  

On Sep 15, 2011, at 12:30 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here is the declaration of a Reducer:
>   interface Reducer<T, U> {
>       U reduce(U base, T t);
>   }
> and how to use it:
>   Reducer<String, Integer> reducer = (Integer i, String s) -> i + 
> s.length();
> As you see the order of the type argument <String, Integer> is not
> the same as the order of the type of the formal parameter of the lambda 
> (Integer i, String s).
> I think it will be simpler if the signature of reduce() was changed to 
> swap the two
> formal parameters.
> Rémi

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