Setup for extension method weaving

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at
Mon Sep 19 12:17:22 PDT 2011

In order to run the unit tests provided for the lambda functional interfaces it's necessary to pre-link the extension methods aka "weaving" in the JRE rt.jar. 

The current lambda workspace will weave rt.jar if the defender prototype weaver is located in a peer directory:

           defender-prototype/ (
           lambda/ (

I have had inconsistent results with the latest version of the prototype weaver. It seems to work for clean builds but fails for rebuilds. As a result I'm still using hg rev 28 (cdd54432fd05) which still works. [hg update -C -r 28]

If you are writing code which uses extension methods you will need to weave before running using current VMs. The weaver can weave either a directory or a jar to another jar or directory. It can't weave in-place.

$(BOOT_JAVA_CMD) -cp ../../../../defender-prototype/distrib/jsr335-agent.jar:../../../../defender-prototype/lib/asm-all-4.0.jar jsr335.agent.batch.Main -v -d rt.jar rt-preweave.jar

source (-d) is rt-preweave.jar
destination (parameter) is rt.jar


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