Syntax decision
Ali Ebrahimi
ali.ebrahimi1781 at
Wed Sep 28 08:19:09 PDT 2011
And another way:
m((T)(-> { ... }));
Best Regards,
Ali Ebrahimi
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore <
maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
> On 28/09/11 15:58, Ali Ebrahimi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think with great support for type inference the need for casting lambas
>> (unless for disambiguating overloaded methods,... ) would be low.
>> And this ambiguity can be solved by applying some precedence in favor of
>> lambdas or versa.
> But, if you have something like:
> m((T)-> { ... });
> and you want it to be a nilary lambda converted to some target type T, how
> do you do that? If you exploit precedence as per your suggestion, this will
> always be a one-ary lambda.
> Of course, one way out would be to disambiguate using '()', as in:
> m((T)()-> { ... });
> Is the cure worse than the disease? I guess it depends on the frequency of
> nilary lambdas and how often do you need an explicit target type (as you
> pointed out, this is closely related to how well inference performs).
> Maurizio
> Best Regards.
>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Brian Goetz<brian.goetz at>
>> wrote:
>> The nilary syntax is still a thorn. But the obvious solution outlined
>>> below -- allow elision of the () -- leads to a syntactic ambiguity. If
>>> -> { statement; } were a valid lambda, then is:
>>> (identifier) -> { statement; }
>>> a one-arg lambda with inferred type, or a cast of a nilary lambda?
>>> If people have brilliant other suggestions for nilary lambda syntax,
>>> we'd consider it.
>>> On 9/28/2011 2:03 AM, Howard Lovatt wrote:
>>>> Personally I am glad you have decided to go with -> since I have had
>>>> trouble reading Scala code, however this is not my main point in this
>>>> post which is have you decided if you require () for no arguments or if
>>>> you plan to allow a 'naked' -> e.g.:
>>>> shortCutAnd( -> size>= 0, -> size< max ); // Example equivalent
>>>> to size>= 0&& size< max, but user written
>>>> On 28 September 2011 05:18, Brian Goetz<brian.goetz at
>>>> <mailto:brian.goetz at**>> wrote:
>>>> Update on syntax: the EG has chosen to stick with the -> form of
>>>> the
>>>> arrow that the prototype currently uses, rather than adopt the =>.
>>>> You could think of this in two ways (I'm sure I'll hear both):
>>>> - This is much better, as it avoids some really bad interactions
>>> with
>>>> existing operators, such as:
>>>> x => x.age<= 0; // duelling arrows
>>>> or
>>>> Predicate p = x => x.size == 0; // duelling equals
>>>> - What a bunch of idiots we are, in that we claimed the goal of
>>> doing
>>>> what other languages did, and then made gratuitous changes "just for
>>> the
>>>> sake of doing something different".
>>>> Obviously we don't think we're idiots, but everyone can have an
>>>> opinion :)
>>>> In the end, this was viewed as a small tweak to avoid some
>>> undesirable
>>>> interactions, while preserving the overall goal of "mostly looks
>>>> like
>>>> what lambdas look like in other similar languages."
>>>> On 9/8/2011 4:07 PM, Brian Goetz wrote:
>>>> > This just in: the EG has (mostly) made a decision on syntax.
>>>> >
>>>> > After considering a number of alternatives, we decided to
>>> essentially
>>>> > adopt the C# syntax. We may still deliberate further on the
>>>> fine
>>>> points
>>>> > (e.g., thin arrow vs fat arrow, special nilary form, etc), and
>>>> have not
>>>> > yet come to a decision on method reference syntax.
>>>> >
>>>> > The C# syntax is:
>>>> >
>>>> > lambda = ArgList Arrow Body
>>>> > ArgList = Identifier
>>>> > | "(" Identifier [ "," Identifier ]* ")"
>>>> > | "(" Type Identifier [ "," Type Identifier ]* ")"
>>>> > Body = Expression
>>>> > | "{" [ Statement ";" ]+ "}"
>>>> >
>>>> > Here are some examples of lambda expressions using this syntax:
>>>> >
>>>> > x => x + 1
>>>> > (x) => x + 1
>>>> > (int x) => x + 1
>>>> > (int x, int y) => x + y
>>>> > (x, y) => x + y
>>>> > (x, y) => { System.out.printf("%d + %d = %d%n", x, y,
>>>> x+y); }
>>>> > () => { System.out.println("I am a Runnable"); }
>>>> >
>>>> > The decision to choose this syntax was twofold:
>>>> > - The syntax scores "pretty well" on most subjective measures
>>>> (though
>>>> > has cases where it looks bad, just like all the others do). In
>>>> > particular, it does well with "small" lambdas that are used as
>>> method
>>>> > arguments (a common case), and also does well with large
>>>> > (multi-statement) lambdas.
>>>> >
>>>> > - Despite extensive searching, there was no clear winner
>>>> among
>>> the
>>>> > alternatives (each form had some good aspects and some really
>>>> not
>>>> very
>>>> > good aspects, and there was no form that was clearly better than
>>> the
>>>> > others). So, we felt that it was better to choose something
>>>> that
>>> has
>>>> > already been shown to work well in the two languages that are
>>>> most like
>>>> > Java -- C# and Scala -- rather than to invent something new.
>>>> >
>>>> > A compiler implementation should be available soon.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> -- Howard.
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