Syntax decision
Henri Gerrits
henrigerrits at
Wed Sep 28 08:57:50 PDT 2011
Of course there is also the bitwise OR operator to consider.
I think the parser's lookahead should be able to handle these potential syntactical complications.
But do you really NEED a no-arg placeholder?
BTW: the C# syntax posted by Brian originally does seem to allow the '()' syntax either:
> > The C# syntax is:
> >
> > lambda = ArgList Arrow Body
> > ArgList = Identifier
> > | "(" Identifier [ "," Identifier ]* ")"
> > | "(" Type Identifier [ "," Type Identifier ]* ")"
> > Body = Expression
> > | "{" [ Statement ";" ]+ "}"
I must add I'm new to this discussion.
----- Original Message -----
> From: Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at>
> To: lambda-dev <lambda-dev at>
> Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 11:32 AM
> Subject: Re: Syntax decision
> On 28 September 2011 16:24, Henri Gerrits <henrigerrits at> wrote:
>> Since the cast syntax can't be touched, one way out could be to change
> the arg delimiters for the lambda, e.g.;
>> |x, y| -> x + y;
>> Personally, I find this a bit more readable when the lambda is provided as
> an argument to a method or constructor:
>> c.sort(|x, y| -> x > y);
>> instead of:
>> c.sort((x, y) -> x > y);
>> But I'm sure you will already have considered (and rejected)
> '|'.
> Since the decision is to go away from familiar things in Java (as
> opposed to #() {stmt}), I might also favour:
> |x, y| -> x + y
> It is a lot clearer in many ways in complicated situations, and would
> be beter for the eye in finding the target of "return" statements.
> I don't know without looking closer whether this is sufficiently
> distinguishable from OR however:
> || -> expr
> Stephen
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