Default method survey results

Gregg Wonderly greggwon at
Mon Aug 13 06:52:51 PDT 2012

In this day and age of the Java language, reusing existing keywords, trying to 
shoehorn them into use for a new purpose, can feel a little clumsy.  Annotations 
can provide a much better mechanism in many cases, simply because the right 
nomenclature is helpful.

However, annotations also have a very specific usage scenario with tooling and 
moment-of-use issues.  For me, this means that you can't use annotations in 
places that annotations wouldn't work with the normal annotation tooling.  You 
certainly don't want to have to have a special class of annotation that further 
confuses the use of annotations in other cases.

The use of "default" isn't awesome, but it does provide a usable demarcation 
which the compiler and run-time class loading can use to make the right decision 
for how to build the v-tables to dispatch the default method should it be 
involved some how.

Gregg Wonderly

On 8/13/2012 8:35 AM, Jose A. Illescas wrote:
> On 13/08/2012 15:23, Deepak S Patwardhan wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: lambda-dev-bounces at [mailto:lambda-dev-
>>> bounces at] On Behalf Of Jose A. Illescas
>>> Sent: 13 August 2012 16:40
>>> To: Brian Goetz
>>> Cc: lambda-dev at
>>> Subject: Re: Default method survey results
>>> Brian, Why not add one thirth option (without "default" keyword) to poll?
>>> 1.  void foo() default {
>>>             System.out.println("foo");
>>>         }
>>> 2.  default void foo() {
>>>             System.out.println("foo");
>>>         }
>>> 3.     void foo() {
>>>             System.out.println("foo");
>>>         }
>> If we explore going down this path, I think we should also explore using an
>> annotation,
>> @java.lang.Default
>> void foo() {
>>       System.out.println("foo");
>> }
> Deepak, why proposed annotation?
>       I would like see an implementation as any other java method
> (without new keywords, annotations, ...)
>       Implements a interface method ("default") must be equals to
> implement another class method (I want "complexity" out of developer
> hands, into compiler...)
>> I would be interested in knowing if using such an annotation has any
>> demerits.
>> Regards,
>> Deepak S Patwardhan.
>>> On 12/08/2012 00:30, Brian Goetz wrote:
>>>> Poll is closed, and results can be seen here:
>>> bkw_2fuYDiZnrBDB_2bPyd4_3d

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