Streams arrays and getFirst()

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Mon Aug 13 07:23:14 PDT 2012

Optimizations like this would happen later in the process, and would be 
prioritized by performance data.  (But I suspect this won't be very high 
on the list of such things.)

On 8/13/2012 7:18 AM, Jose wrote:
> To use arrays as inputs for lambda pipelines I'm currentely using:
>                   Arrays.asList(myArray).filter(...).map(...)
> I'm also testing to refractor some methods in my code
> T  foo(List list){}                  to     T foo(Iterable iter)
> If the foo() body needs the first element of the iterable,  I can provide it
> with the extension method:
>                                                            Iterable.
> getFirst()
> However I thik that this method could do better in the array case, because
> now it is not checking if the passed argument is a List.
> For example, another method in the class
>                                                          Iterable.count()
> already check for the argument being a Collection and then returns its size,
> no need to compute it.
> Would you mind to include the List check in getFirst()?

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