Syntax for calling super
Howard Lovatt
howard.lovatt at
Sun Aug 26 22:25:11 PDT 2012
To me the super syntax is what you would expect consider:
public class OuterOuter {
String level() { return "Outer Outer"; }
class Outer {
String level() { return "Outer"; }
class Inner {
String level() { return "Inner"; }
void print() {
Just substitute super for this, to indicate that the method in question
does come from this class but from the inherited interface.
-- Howard.
On 27 August 2012 11:12, David Holmes <david.holmes at> wrote:
> Gregg,
> The distinction is not OuterName.this versus OuterName.super. Both of
> these exist today in the context of inner-classes - specifically
> accessing members of an enclosing class instance.
> The proposal to use K.super.m() for default method access is completely
> different to that usage - there is no other instance involved.
> We already have "super" to indicate that we want to look-to/access
> something in a supertype, but super.m() is not expressive enough to
> solve the default method problem, and super.K.m() can be ambiguous (if K
> is also the name of a member of your supertype). So K.super.m() has been
> proposed to address that. As a standalone suggestion it would be quite
> reasonable, but given there is an existing syntactic construct with
> quite different semantics today I find it objectionable.
> David
> On 27/08/2012 10:29 AM, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
> >
> > On Aug 24, 2012, at 7:27 PM, David Holmes<david.holmes at>
> wrote:
> >
> >> On 25/08/2012 3:03 AM, GREGG WONDERLY wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On Aug 23, 2012, at 8:00 PM, David Holmes<david.holmes at>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> On 24/08/2012 12:56 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
> >>>>> On Thursday, August 23, 2012 11:01:46 AM David Holmes wrote:
> >>>>>> On 23/08/2012 8:13 AM, Brian Goetz wrote:
> >>>>>>> The syntax was designed to be analogous to the "K.this.m()" syntax
> that
> >>>>>>> is used in inner classes.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> But the semantics are quite different. K.this is a reference to a
> >>>>>> completely different object (the enclosing instance from class K).
> >>>>>> Whereas as K.super is meant to infer something about 'this'.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Intuitively I don't have problems with K.super. I see K.something as
> something
> >>>>> qualified with type K.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> In case of "this" it selects the innermost instance of type K,
> whereas in case
> >>>>> of "super" it selects the most specific visible member from the
> >>>>> superclass/superinterface K's hierarchy.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> In both cases K is an addidional restriction to the "search
> strategy".
> >>>>
> >>>> K.super.m() already has an existing meaning with inner classes, just
> as
> >>>> K.this.m() does. There's a difference between searching for a type
> alone
> >>>> and searching for an object and then a type. Using the same notation
> is
> >>>> confusing in my view.
> >>>
> >>> This view is troubling to me. If we are in an inner class, and code
> >>>
> >>> OuterName.this.m();
> >>>
> >>> The compiler knows to look for the type OuterName in the hierarchy of
> class definitions visible to the inner class, and then invoke m().
> >>
> >> I don't see OuterName as telling the compiler where to look for
> something, it is simply naming something. The current object is "this", the
> enclosing instance is OuterName.this. It is not a search path it is a
> direct name for an object.
> >
> > The location of the statement tells the compiler what name space is
> visible to it. I.e. it knows it is in an inner class, and thus it will
> look outward till it reaches the "outer" class, looking for the "OuterName"
> class.
> >
> >>> For default methods, if a we write
> >>>
> >>> OuterName.this.m();
> >>>
> >>> It seems to me that even though the compiler has to look in a slightly
> different way, the fully qualified name of OuterName is visible to it, so
> that it can ask "Is this a class" or "Is this an interface", and the take
> the appropriate steps to resolve what to invoke.
> >>
> >> Here OuterName.this does not name an enclosing instance. You are using
> the same syntax for two completely different things in my view.
> >
> > The context that this statement is in, specifies the "class" and
> interfaces which are visible in that context. Thus, the "this" refers to
> the "context" which is the current "class", and thus it's implemented
> interfaces and thus the visible interfaces which can be reached. If
> OuterName is not reachable in that namespace, the compiler can provide the
> appropriate error message.
> >
> >> No doubt compiler writers and parser writes think about this
> differently, but from my perspective as an end-programmer, these are quite
> different things. If I was explaining what this statement meant to someone
> the explanation in the two cases would be completely different - hence in
> my opinion the same syntax should not be used for both.
> >
> > The current details of "inner class" references to outer classes, in my
> view, is just one example of a context qualified reference to some more
> narrow scope, relative to the current class.
> >
> > I am, at this point, calling an interface, a special type of "class"
> definition, and thus I am thinking of interfaces and classes as having a
> common base, because we've now made abstract classes even more like
> interfaces.
> >
> > When I think about code wanting to access a specific "class" detail, we
> have several things that the language uses to control access. We have very
> tedious things like introspection. We have less tedious things like
> "public", "private" and package access. The string, "OuterName.this", for
> me, is another one of these "control points".
> >
> > Maybe if you could provide a sentence or description that you'd say in a
> code review, or other moment that you'd talk about a code fragment for each
> of
> >
> > OuterName.this
> >
> > and
> >
> > OuterName.super
> >
> > that might help me really "get" how you are thinking about these two
> types of references, and why they seem so different in nature, that you'd
> prefer to add another keyword that is context sensitive into the mix.
> >
> > Gregg
> >
> >
> >>
> >>> Having the compiler do this small amount of introspection of the
> class/interface name space, seems like a lot better choice, then asking the
> developer to remember to type this vs super.
> >>>
> >>> What will be the compiler error message, if I type this instead of
> super or vice versa? What will that do to help the developer really code
> effectively?
> >>>
> >>> Gregg
> >
-- Howard.
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