StreamOpFlag.* and OutOfMemoryError when going parall

Remi Forax forax at
Wed Dec 5 11:11:41 PST 2012

On 12/05/2012 07:54 PM, Christian Mallwitz wrote:
> Very well :-)
> Leaving the parallel aspect aside, If I just wanted to find the first
> n prime numbers based on a possibly infinity stream of numbers (I
> don't want to use a Collection with a known size), is there another
> 'officially' approved way to covert an Iterator to a Stream (instead
> of using

I understand what you want to do but I don't understand how you want the 
code to work in parallel.

> Regarding a fully lazy, parallel limit() and its future: does 'future'
> mean pre- or post-JDK8?
> Cheers!
> Christian


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