Request for Review : CR#8004015 : [final (?) pass] Add interface extends and defaults for basic functional interfaces

Joe Bowbeer joe.bowbeer at
Thu Dec 6 19:45:48 PST 2012

Ah, yes, I misunderstood the intent.  Sorry.

I agree that the null wording should be minimized, esp. in the parameter

The @throws NPE descriptions make it clear in every occurrence that nulls
are prevented, which I like in this case, but do not distract the casual

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 6:02 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at>wrote:

> Joe,
> On 7/12/2012 2:18 AM, Joe Bowbeer wrote:
>> The documentation for Collection.add is not a reasonable model to emulate?
>> Collection.html#add(E)<>
>> It is written from the standpoint that nulls are OK, but notes that some
>> implementations might barf, and lists NPE among the possible exceptions.
> The difference here is that the intent is for nulls to be prohibited -
> full stop.
> In other places "we" avoid the API clutter by making broad statements
> regarding null handling "Unless otherwise stated null parameters to method
> or constructors of this class will result in NullPointerException being
> thrown". In some places we even handle this at the package doc level.
> Perhaps we should do the same here?
> Otherwise, the "right way" IMHO to indicate this is via @throws, not
> additional commentary on @param.
> Again YMMV.
> David
> -----
>  I think that's the right approach for streams as well.
>> In a wide range of popular APIs, there are lots of methods that return
>> null, and it is these nulls that are the most likely to show up in
>> functionally-constructed streams.  Java programmers do have the notion
>> that
>> nulls might not be allowed everywhere, and will look to the javadoc for
>> clarification.
>> On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 7:56 AM, Mike Duigou<mike.duigou at>
>>  wrote:
>>  Something seems entirely out of balance regarding handling of null. If a
>>> methods says that it takes a reference type then why ever might it be
>>> assumed that null is permitted?
>>> It feels more than a bit like we are adding "no naked people" stickers to
>>> every building entrance and "do not insert fingers" to every electrical
>>> outlet. The "@throws NPE" are yet another layer of "Violators will be
>>> arrested" or "You will be electrocuted" stickers.
>>> It seems entirely wrongheaded to assume that null could be passed in
>>> place
>>> of a valid reference unless explicitly and categorically forbidden.
>>> Accepting null should be considered extraordinary and worthy of mention
>>> only when it occurs. Being rare it would also be a lot easier to
>>> document.
>>> So really, why mention null at all?
>>> Mike
>>> On Dec 6 2012, at 04:47 , David Holmes wrote:
>>>  Stephen,
>>>> I believe that exceptions thrown should be identified using @throws -
>>> not implied.
>>>> I think @param is for giving the basic description of a parameter not
>>> for explaining the semantics, or what different values of the parameter
>>> mean.
>>>> YMMV
>>>> David
>>>> On 6/12/2012 8:23 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
>>>>> On 6 December 2012 06:06, David Holmes<david.holmes at**>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/12/2012 4:20 AM, Mike Duigou wrote:
>>>>>>> I have updated webrev again to fix some reported javadoc technical
>>>>>> issues
>>>> and added null handling specification to the
>>>>>> {Int|Double|Long}Supplier.
>>> java/util/function/package-**summary.html<>
>>>>>>> I believe that this iteration is complete (or very nearly so).
>>>>>> Sorry to be a pain but this:
>>>>>>      left - the left operand, must be non-null
>>>>>> doesn't tell you what happens if it is null. Is it not better to
>>>>>> simply
>>>>>> have:
>>>>>> @param left the left operand
>>>>>> @param right the right operand
>>>>>> @throws NullPointerException if either left or right are null
>>>>> Whereas I use:
>>>>>   @param left the left operand, not null
>>>>>   @param right the right operand, not null
>>>>> There is an element of taste here. As I wrote up
>>>>> Javadoc is read as source code as often as it is read as HTML. Thus,
>>>>> not overly cluttering is important.
>>>>> IMO, the @throws NPE is implied by the assertion of "not null" or
>>>>> "must be non-null".
>>>>> More importantly, the use of @param scales better. For example, there
>>>>> is often a case where null is treated as a default or special value.
>>>>> The Javadoc would then look something like
>>>>>   @param left the left operand, null treated as zero
>>>>>   @param right the right operand, null treated as zero
>>>>> This kind of information belongs with the @param, and for consistency
>>>>> it is much better to also have the "not null" aspect on the @param as
>>>>> well. (Everything together is easier for developers to parse)
>>>>> In summary, while I prefer my "not null" to Mike's "must be non-null",
>>>>> what is proposed is fine, and better than your (David's) proposal.
>>>>> Stephen

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