Stream perf test

Aleksey Shipilev aleksey.shipilev at
Thu Dec 13 01:59:52 PST 2012

Hi Remi,

We do have lots of perf tests internally (due to legal at this point to open source them), and yes, these are tricky to get right. There seem to be nothing special about the streams per se, just usual micro benchmarking troubles. If you can send your tests along, we can figure whether you are dealing with something we already know about.


On 13.12.2012, at 13:26, Remi Forax <forax at> wrote:

> I've tried to write several tests that use the stream pipeline and I've 
> troubled to get stable values, sometimes the fastest time is one order 
> magnitude faster than the slowest time.
> Do we have any perf tests written somewhere to see what I did wrong ?
> Rémi

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