skip/limit in parallel context

Mallwitz, Christian christian.mallwitz at
Thu Dec 13 03:30:08 PST 2012


Using jdk1.8.0-b68-09_dec_2012 and having (this is counting even numbers up to 100 in various ways)

import java.util.Arrays;

public class LambdaParallelLimitSkip {

    private static final int n = 100;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static void testSerial() {
        System.out.println("serial   count after limit(10): " + getArrayBasedStream(false)
                .filter(l -> l%2==0) // filter even numbers
                .reduce(0L, (left, right) -> left + 1L)); // count
        System.out.println("serial   count after skip(10) : " + getArrayBasedStream(false)
                .filter(l -> l%2==0) // filter even numbers
                .reduce(0L, (left, right) -> left + 1L)); // count

    public static void testParallel() {
        System.out.println("parallel count after limit(10): " + getArrayBasedStream(true)
                .filter(l -> l%2==0) // filter even numbers
                .reduce(0L, (left, right) -> left + 1L)); // count
        System.out.println("parallel count after skip(10) : " + getArrayBasedStream(true)
                .filter(l -> l%2==0) // filter even numbers
                .reduce(0L, (left, right) -> left + 1L)); // count

    public static Stream<Long> getArrayBasedStream(boolean parallel) {
        Long[] list = new Long[n];
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { list[i] = i+1L; }
        return parallel ? Arrays.asList(list).parallel() : Arrays.asList(list).stream();

This outputs

serial   count after limit(10): 10
serial   count after skip(10) : 40
parallel count after limit(10): 7
parallel count after skip(10) : 25

The last item "parallel count after skip(10) : 25" is incorrect - this needs to be in the 40..50 range, doesn't it?

Now I understand that the Java Doc is saying skip/limit 'at most n elements' but IMHO this is not particular useful.

skip/limit _could_ consume more than n elements of a source stream (and calling the filter predicate in my example more often in the parallel than serial case) but should do "exactly n" when passing elements to further steps in the processing downstreams.


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