Looking forward to 2013

Gernot Neppert mcnepp02 at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 31 09:27:35 PST 2012

Hello all,

I'm off to New Year's Eve party now, and I just wanted to thank 
everybody who's been actively involved in JDK-8 development for the 
great work they have done in 2012!

- The stabilization of the lambda syntax seems almost complete
- the same goes for default methods on interfaces!
- the "lambdafication" of the JDK libraries has come very far
- the availability of lambda-aware binary JDK-snapshots has brought this 
whole new exciting feature to the attention of early-adopters who just 
didn't want to go the extra mile and compile the entire JDK.

I'm not sure whether lambdas will actually revolutionize programming in 
Java, but they are defintiely going to to make it even more fun than it 
is now!!

Have a great 2013!

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