Using default implementation, I can compile Illegal Extending Class which is mistaking access modifiers or return-types.

bitter_fox bitterfoxc at
Wed Feb 8 06:21:26 PST 2012

Using default implementation, I can compile Illegal Extending Class which
is mistaking access modifiers or return-types.

Compiler is the newest binary snapshot.

For instance:
interface I
    void method() default {} // method is pubilc

class C1
    void method() {} // method is package private

class C2 extends C1 implements I
    // this would be illegal, but I can compile this.

I i = new C2();
i.method(); // this calling causes IllegalAccessError

The other pattern:
interface I
    String method() default
        return "str";

class C1
    public Integer method()
        return 0;

class C2 extends C1 implements I
    // this extending would be illegal

C2 c2 = new C2();
C1 c1 = c2;
I i = c2;

System.out.println(c2.method()); // 0
System.out.println(c1.method()); // 0
System.out.println(i.method()); // str

Was this already known?


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