f(x) syntax sugar in Lambda

Spot Al stellarspot at yandex.ru
Fri Feb 10 00:42:53 PST 2012

What I want to do is just answer on the question:
If it is possible to create a functional interface without using the method name, why it needs to mention the method name using the functional interface? 

The most serious objection against using the f(x) invocation is the separate namespaces for methods/fields. 
In this case just an another syntax which does not mention the method name can be used. For example
double e = exp.(1);  // or any other better syntax 

What about the last case which use the default methods, creating the lambda expression and using it without mentioning the method name are the same things. So
interface Exponent {
    double calculate(double x);
    void foo() default { ... }
    void bar() default { ... }

Exponent exp = (x) -> 1 + x + x * x / 2;  // which method is defined? 
double e = exp.(1) // which method is invoked?

In both cases we should care about default methods.


09.02.2012, 13:46, "Maurizio Cimadamore" <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com>:
> Hi,
> I think there might be few problems with this approach when unleashed in
> a more widespread way:
> *) Java has two separate namespaces for methods/fields - so the
> following would be ambiguous:
> Exponent exp = (x) -> 1 + x + x * x / 2;
> void exp(int x) { ... }
> exp(3) //?
> *) The language does not have such a thing as 'type of a lambda' so,
> there is no way to distinguish between:
> SAM s = ()-> { ... }
> and
> SAM s = new SAM() { ... }
> This means that your proposal will apply to all expressions whose type E
> is a functional interface.
> *) What if E is a method call? You end up with things like:
> Exponent makeExp() { ... }
> makeExp()(5);
> *) If you have a functional interface with default methods:
> interface Exponent {
>     double calculate(double x);
>     void foo() default { ... }
>     void bar() default { ... }
> }
> then the fact that the syntactic sugar will rewire the method call to
> 'calculate' (as that's the only abstract method in Exponent) might
> result a bit surprising since there is more than one method available in
> the functional interface.
> Maurizio
> On 09/02/12 07:41, Spot Al wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  For example if there is an interface
>>  -----------------------------------------------
>>    interface Exponent{
>>        double calculate(double x);
>>    }
>>  -----------------------------------------------
>>  and I have a lambda expression:
>>  -----------------------------------------------
>>  Exponent exp = (x) ->  1 + x + x * x / 2;
>>  -----------------------------------------------
>>  would it be possible to get a value like:
>>     double e = ep(1);
>>  instead of
>>     double e = exp.calculate(1); ?
>>  Where exp(1) just a syntax sugar for the exp.calculate(1).
>>  So if variable a has a lambda type (interface with one method) than a(val1,.., valN) means a.methodName(val1,.., valN)?
>>  Thanks,
>>  Alexander.

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