London Lambdas Hackday Overview

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Tue Jul 3 13:04:07 PDT 2012

Thanks Richard and LJC for all your help with this!  Look forward to the 
next one -- we'll have some good new stuff by then.

On 7/3/2012 7:41 AM, Richard Warburton wrote:
> Hey all,
> The London Java Community ran another Lambdas Hackday on Saturday
> 30th.  I felt it was quite a productive event which many people learnt
> from and which we accumulated some feedback about how people are using
> the new language features from.  After the first one I sent in
> feedback to one go, however, I think its better this time to split it
> up into several different emails, so we get better discussion
> threading.  The split is as follows:
> Potential Bugs and Feature Requests
> Developer Usage
> Comments about transforming legacy Code
> Parallelism and Performance considerations
> I suspect we'll be running another event in a couple of months time,
> so if there's any thoughts from the EG on what to focus on, that's
> always appreciated.  And again thanks go out to everyone who was
> involved, I think it was a fun and productive experience.
> regards,
>    Richard

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