From virtual extension methods to mixins

Brenden Towey brendentowey at
Thu Jul 12 12:16:15 PDT 2012

On 7/12/2012 12:02 PM, Brian Goetz wrote:
> You are asserting that there is a "paradox" (or at least a "problem"),
> but you've yet to point to an actual problem.

I'll partially take Tom's side here and agree that problems with C++ are 
well known.  However, I'd also take Brain's side and say that not 
everyone on this list might be intimately familiar with those problems 
(we're not C++ programmers) and also that for clarity it would be best 
to review for us exactly which problem Tom wants to discuss, and how 
he'd like to frame the debate.

I'm not by any means an expert C++ programmer (although I speak it a 
little) and I sure would like to have a review of how Tom would like to 
frame his paradox before starting on any proposed solutions, or proposed 
further complications.

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