Question about latest binary build

Marcus Thiesen marcus at
Thu Jul 19 12:37:57 PDT 2012

2012/7/19 Dan Smith <daniel.smith at>:
> Runnable r = () -> list.add("hi");
> Seems convenient, but causes trouble for overload resolution.  So for now, this is not allowed (pending further discussion).  You would need to use a block instead:
> Runnable r = () -> { list.add("hi"); };

Please do not make me think about the return values of the method I
call when writing a Lambda.

For the sake of consistency I would always opt for one way to write a
lambda, even if it makes me write the block around the lambda body all
the time.

BTW, I only found that because examples I wrote for an older version
of the compiler stopped compiling. So these "relaxed rules" had been
implemented at some point in time.

Have fun,

Marcus Thiesen :: :: @mthiesen :: 0173 / 28 01 82 4

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