forEach broken in build 48?

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Thu Jul 26 02:39:34 PDT 2012

On 26/07/12 03:53, bitter_fox wrote:
> Hi, Arul and Mike
> I guess Revision(langtools):1430[1] has a problem.
> In LambdaTranslator#makeFunctionalDescriptorType:
>          return erased ? types.erasure(descType) : descType;
> This is wrong I think.
Why do you think it's wrong? The code is meant to erase the descriptor 
type only if the erased flagh is set (which only is when doing 292 

> I tried this one and the problem looks resolved:
>          return erased ? descType : types.erasure(descType);
> Please ignore this mail if you already notice that.
> [1]:
> Regards,
> bitter_fox
> 2012/7/26 Mike Duigou <mike.duigou at>
>> I've looked into the problem and am able to replicate it. I did some
>> debugging and it appears to be a problem in the VM. I am notifying those
>> working on this area.
>> Mike
>> On Jul 21 2012, at 01:39 , Arul Dhesiaseelan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It looks like forEach is broke in the latest build. It always prints the
>>> last item in the collection. It works fine in b45. It works in b48 only
>> if
>>> we expand the code, not if we perform method reference on an instance.
>>> public class InstanceMethodReference {
>>>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>         Arrays.asList("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie",
>>> "Dave").forEach(System.out::println);//INCORRECT RESULT
>>>         Arrays.asList("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dave").forEach(new
>>> MyBlock(System.out));//CORRECT RESULT
>>>     }
>>>     public static class MyBlock implements Block<String> {
>>>         PrintStream ps;
>>>         public MyBlock(PrintStream ps) {
>>>    = ps;
>>>         }
>>>         @Override
>>>         public void apply(String s) {
>>>             ps.println(s);
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> build45 correctly prints:
>>> Alice
>>> Bob
>>> Charlie
>>> Dave
>>> Alice
>>> Bob
>>> Charlie
>>> Dave
>>> build48 prints:
>>> Dave
>>> Dave
>>> Dave
>>> Dave
>>> Alice
>>> Bob
>>> Charlie
>>> Dave
>>> -Arul

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