ForkJoinPool update

Aleksey Shipilev aleksey.shipilev at
Tue Jul 31 09:55:38 PDT 2012

ForkJoin* is at main tree in JSR166. I had pulled ForkJoin* and
CountedCompleter, checked the lambda/lambda build works, and also my
microbenchmarks are not failing.

You can pick up the patch and/or changeset here:


On 07/31/2012 07:58 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:
> If you are willing to generate a changeset merging Doug's jsr166e into lambda I will be very happy to push it.
> Otherwise we didn't have any specific short term integration plans.
> Mike
> On Jul 31 2012, at 06:19 , Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone know when the next integration of FJP would occur into JDK
>> workspace? My experiments with bulk operations have been stalled on the
>> known scalability issues with the old FJP (for one, $submissionLock is
>> the scalability bottleneck), which are fixed in new version.
>> If there is a hurdle in usual jsr166 -> jdk8 -> lambda integration path,
>> can we pull the FJP directly into lambda?
>> -Aleksey.

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