LJC Lambdas Hackday

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 13:53:12 PDT 2012

Hi All,

On Tuesday, 5 June 2012, Richard Warburton wrote:

> > Were there examples where you felt "It *should* be easy to lambda-ize
> this,
> > but I can't figure out how?"  These would be useful examples to discuss
> > here.
> I didn't make an exact list of what was harder than people felt it
> should be, however from informal discussion some of the problems were
> basically a result of existing code being 'unclean'.
> When you're doing a chain of lambda operations each sequence in the
> chain usually does one thing:  it transforms a collection or it
> collapses it down.  In many existing codebases you'll have a loop that
> iterates over a collection and does multiple things.  Which sometimes
> makes it harder than people feel it should be to lambda-ize because it
> may involve a more than local refactoring.  I'm not sure there's
> anything you can suggest here other than to refactor early and often
> and keep things SRP.
> I don't know if any of the other people on the list who attended the
> hackday have an experience to share?
> I think if we run another one of these events that we should try to
> focus in more detail on identifying these kind of scenarios - ie where
> it looks easy but then turns out to be trickier.
> regards,
>  Richard

I concur, a second day will help tease this out. It did seem to be a
genuine problem that developers struggled to identify existing code that
could/should have lambdas applied due to messy legacy code. But perhaps
this is more for the IDE folks to explore with their refactoring
capabilities down the line.


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