LJC Lambdas Hackday
Dan Smith
daniel.smith at oracle.com
Wed Jun 6 11:55:32 PDT 2012
On May 29, 2012, at 6:30 AM, Richard Warburton wrote:
> 2. Some programmers appear to have basically no functional programming
> experience and were confused as to why they couldn’t assign back to
> their parameter in a map. For example they wanted to write:
> someIntegers.forEach(x -> x = x + 1)
> rather than:
> someIntegers.map(x -> x + 1)
> I know this might sound silly to people subscribed to lambda-dev, but
> getting people out of a solely imperative mindset of one of the
> adoption challenges that is faced by this JSR. If I may be so bold as
> to make a suggestion in order to help people in the right direction:
> lambda arguments being default final. (Or maybe even always final)
Just realized today that, if your example is accurate, this should be a compiler error anyway. So maybe this is just a matter of improving the error message?
The type expected by 'forEach' is a functional interface with a 'void' return which, per the current EDR spec, cannot be compatible with an expression lambda.
When I test it, I get an error message that says "incompatible return type int in lambda expression".
(By the way, the next EDR will include support for void methods as expression bodies; but it still will treat assignments as illegal with 'void'-return interfaces, since assignments are value-producing expressions. There has also been some discussion about allowing an arbitrary statement expression to be compatible with a 'void' return, and in that case your example would have the behavior I thought it had originally -- compiling without error and executing as an effective no-op.)
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