Bug in the compiler I think?

Sam Pullara sam at sampullara.com
Tue Jun 26 09:05:31 PDT 2012

Couple of bugs in the current implementation (b35,

Fails: Lazy<String> lazyString = *new Lazy<>*(() -> "Value: " +
Works: Lazy<String> lazyString = *new Lazy<String>*(() -> "Value: " +

Fails to compile due ambiguous target type it appears -- seems like it
should pick the IntMapper:

    interface Person {
        int age();
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Person> list = new ArrayList<>();

src/test/java/spullara/Scratch.java:14: error: no suitable method found for
    method Comparators.<T#1,U>comparing(Mapper<T#1,U>) is not applicable
      (cyclic inference - cannot infer target type for given lambda/method
reference expression)
    method Comparators.<T#2>comparing(IntMapper<T#2>) is not applicable
      (cyclic inference - cannot infer target type for given lambda/method
reference expression)
    method Comparators.<T#3>comparing(LongMapper<T#3>) is not applicable
      (cyclic inference - cannot infer target type for given lambda/method
reference expression)
    method Comparators.<T#4>comparing(DoubleMapper<T#4>) is not applicable
      (cyclic inference - cannot infer target type for given lambda/method
reference expression)
  where T#1,U,T#2,T#3,T#4 are type-variables:
    T#1 extends Object declared in method <T#1,U>comparing(Mapper<T#1,U>)
    U extends Comparable<? super U> declared in method
    T#2 extends Object declared in method <T#2>comparing(IntMapper<T#2>)
    T#3 extends Object declared in method <T#3>comparing(LongMapper<T#3>)
    T#4 extends Object declared in method <T#4>comparing(DoubleMapper<T#4>)
1 error


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