Curious about static method references

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Thu Jun 28 20:24:03 PDT 2012

Can you clarify your question?  I could imagine a lot of interpretations of "what gives" in this context.

On Jun 28, 2012, at 4:15 PM, Paulo Levi wrote:

> Hi lambda designers.
> The state of the lambda seems to imply that lambdas are going to be pure
> call-site constructs:
> "Contexts for target typing
> We stated earlier that lambda expressions can only appear in contexts that
> have target types. So, what contexts have target types?
>  - Variable declarations
>  - Assignments
>  - Return statements
>  - Array initializers
>  - Method or constructor arguments
>  - Lambda expression bodies
>  - Conditional expressions ?:
>  - Cast expressions"
> And that the function argument where you'd like to use a lambda itself will
> need to accept a 'functional interface'
> However, interfaces can't have static methods...
> What gives?

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