defender methods and method of Object

Gregg Wonderly gregg at
Sat Mar 10 05:59:12 PST 2012

On 3/9/2012 7:30 PM, Neal Gafter wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Gregg Wonderly <greggwon at 
> <mailto:greggwon at>> wrote:
>     I am thinking specifically of visibility controls that might act like
>     final does in terms of allowing overriding definition.
> How about a keyword, like perhaps "final"?
I am wandering about a different level of scoping than we have with existing 
controls.  Certainly we have global, package and private visibility, along with 
final.  But, for example, there are things that are more like "friends" that 
aren't always in the same package.  Complex software package have to jump 
through hoops sometimes, with classloader hacking to make stuff like that work. 
I don't have a great example, but I'm just positing that perhaps Annotations 
might be a way to do something in the future, so perhaps keywords or "language 
nuances" are not the mechanism, so worrying about it without specific examples 
might just be "worry", not "necessary consideration".

Gregg Wonderly

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