sync'ing the hotspot repository with JDK8 [+MacOS support]

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at
Fri Mar 23 19:16:31 PDT 2012

I have merged the jdk8 mainline into the the lambda root, corba, jaxp, jaxw, and jdk repos. With Keith's merge of Hotspot yesterday this means that it's now possible to build lambda on MacOSX. I've made a mac build and it passes the basic jtreg smoketests.

Binary builds on the openjdk website will probably happen once Maurizio completes the next langtools sync in the next couple of weeks.



On Mar 21 2012, at 00:42 , Henri Gomez wrote:

> Hello Mike
> Did you do a merge for Lambda support ?
> 2012/3/21 Mike Duigou <mike.duigou at>:
>> I've done a merge for the jdk and can commit it whenever the other repos are ready. It looks like there a bunch of stuff in langtools that will need Maurizio's attention.
>> Mike
>> On Mar 15 2012, at 05:54 , Keith McGuigan wrote:
>>> I don't know if it will enable building of full JDKs/JREs on Mac, as
>>> there might be changes in the 'jdk' repo that are needed as well (and I
>>> was only going to sync 'hotspot').  We might be able to build Mac JVM
>>> though.
>>> On 3/15/2012 4:57 AM, Ben Evans wrote:
>>>> Hi Keith,
>>>> Will such a synch allow a lambda-capable Mac build?
>>>> If so, please go for it, as my understanding is that it's still
>>>> proving problematic to produce such a binary build.
>>>> In the AdoptAJSR / AdoptOpenJDK projects we have a bunch of Mac users
>>>> who are champing at the bit to have a play with lambdas. :)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ben
>>>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 12:25 AM, Keith McGuigan
>>>> <keith.mcguigan at>  wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Any objection to be me sync'ing the lambda hotspot repository with the
>>>>> jdk8 hotspot repo (i.e., pulling jdk8 into lambda)?
>>>>> --
>>>>> - Keith

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