alternative implementations of Iterable and MapStream

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Fri May 11 10:00:57 PDT 2012

Hello lambdanians,

I toyed a little more with the idea of using "push" processing instead of 
traditional "pull" that is used in current implementations of stream 
transformation methods of Iterable and MapStream.

It turned out that it can be done and that this approach has a benefit of 
avoiding box/unbox-ing of pairs of values into/out of BiValue while actualy 
having no drawbacks (I managed to elliminate all drawbacks of my 1st 
implementation from a week ago).

If you are interested, have a look at:

Basic classes are:

Producable - which implements Iterable (only as a facade)
MapProducable - which implements MapStream (only as a facade)

both classes override all defenders from Iterable and MapStream with their own 
"push" implementations.

Currently Producable/MapProducable are abstract classes, but they could easily 
be transformed into interfaces with defender methods.


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