[jug-leaders] AdoptOpenJDK Hack Day - Lambdas in London 27th May

Frans Thamura frans at meruvian.org
Tue May 15 19:10:39 PDT 2012

hi ben

if you use slide, let me know, so we can "do" it here also, direct in
Java island ;0


On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Ben Evans
<benjamin.john.evans at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The London Java Community is running a lambdas hack day on Sunday May 27th.
> The plan for the day is to start with an introduction to the Lambdas
> feature and then move on to spend the rest of the day coding in teams
> to fully investigate the latest beta that Mike announced today. Full
> lists of coding tasks are still being formed, but modifying some
> popular Open Source libraries to make use of lambdas would be one use
> case that we'd expect to run on the day.
> Full details are here:
> http://www.meetup.com/Londonjavacommunity/events/64939182/
> Hope to see you there on May 27th - do sign up or contact me if you
> have any questions.
> Thanks,
> Ben

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