Re: Iterable::forEach not returning Iterable

Remi Forax forax at
Thu May 17 06:26:24 PDT 2012

You can use 
  map(it -> {
     return it;
instead of forEach.


Sent from my Phone

----- Reply message -----
From: "Tomasz Kowalczewski" <tomasz.kowalczewski at>
To: "lambda-dev" <lambda-dev at>
Subject: Iterable::forEach not returning Iterable
Date: Thu, May 17, 2012 12:33


I was trying out the new jdk8 build with lambdas and while doing some
simple towards-lamda-refactoring I stumbled on following use case:

List<File> files...
files.filter( File::isFile ).filter( ... ).map( ConfigurationFile::new );

I wanted to inject some debugging code inside this chain using forEach
and realized that it returns void and not Iterable. Its default
delegates to Iterables::forEach that returns Interable, so I guess it
is just a matter of deciding if forEach should seal the pipe or allow
more processing.

Based on my example I think there is a great value in changing the
return type from void as in my opinion it will be harder to debug and
step through such lambdanized code than through several (ugly)
for-each loops doing same work.

P.S.: Atttaching eclipse debugger to this code being run in a simple
main() instantly crashes the debugged JVM. But I guess debugging is
not yet supported anyway :)

Tomasz Kowalczewski

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