experimental Implementation of Haskell List Functions with Java 8

Sven Eric Panitz sveneric at panitz.name
Sat May 19 04:02:57 PDT 2012

Hello all,
this is my first post to this list and I am new to the list. So please 
excuse, if I bring up topics,
which have allready been discussed ages ago.

After a first look at the current status of project Lambda 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/lambda/> JSR 335, I found it a nice
exercise to implement the complete Haskell Prelude list functions with 
java 8.

The result of my efforts can be found on my web site at:

With my class haskell.data.Iterables, now objects of type Iterable<A> 
can make use of all Haskell list functions.
Mayby this quick implementation is interesting for those guys, that 
develope the library for Java 8.

I am not sure, but I might have found a bug in the current lambda 
compiler. At least I get a
ClassCastException during runtime, which I cannot explain.

It comes up in my implementation of the function »permutations« (which 
is the most complicated
of all the Haskell functions I implemented).

The following implementation in terms of a private auxiliary method 
interleave_ compiles und runs
without problem:

   static public <A> Iterable<Iterable<A>> permutations(Iterable<A> xs0){
     Function2<Iterable<A>,Iterable<A>,Iterable<Iterable<A>>> perms =
     (tso,is) -> {
       if (tso.isEmpty()) return new Nil<Iterable<A>>();
       A t = head(tso);
       Iterable<A> ts = tail(tso);


     return cons(xs0,perms.eval(xs0,new Nil<A>()));
   static private <A> Tuple2<Iterable<A>,Iterable<Iterable<A>>> interleave_
          (A t,Iterable<A> ts,Function1<Iterable<A> ,Iterable<A>>f 
,Iterable<A> xs,Iterable<Iterable<A>> r){
     if (xs.isEmpty()) return new 
     A y = head(xs);
     Iterable<A> ys = tail(xs);
     return new 

(Tuple2 is a generic class for pairs, Function(1-5) are interfaces for 
functions of arity 1 to 5.
These are found as well on my web site.)

The following alternative Implementation with a local function for the 
auxiliary function interleave_,
compiles but gets a ClassCastException during runtime:

   static public <A> Iterable<Iterable<A>> permutations2(Iterable<A> xs0){
     Function2<Iterable<A>,Iterable<A>,Iterable<Iterable<A>>> perms =
     (tso,is) -> {
       if (tso.isEmpty()) return new Nil<Iterable<A>>();

interleave_ =
       (t,ts,f,xs,r) -> {
         if (xs.isEmpty()) return new 
         A y = head(xs);
         Iterable<A> ys = tail(xs);
         return new 

       A t = head(tso);
       Iterable<A> ts = tail(tso);


     return cons(xs0,perms.eval(xs0,new Nil<A>()));

Sven Eric

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