Question about Iterable.reduce signature
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Mon May 21 08:54:29 PDT 2012
> One streaming analog to the left-fold operation is called /scan/ or
> /prefix sum/[1], and there is a natural parallel analog called /parallel
> prefix/[2]. A surprising number of problems can be reduced naturally to
> an application of this primitive. It is natural to consider this for
> the set of operations common between the lazy and parallel collection APIs.
Agreed, and this is already part of the design (and partially
implemented) -- see cumulate(BinaryOperator).
> Cheers,
> Neal
> [1]
> [2]
> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 5:15 AM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at
> <mailto:brian.goetz at>> wrote:
> What you are suggesting is to fuse mapping and reducing into a single
> operation. While this often makes sense, the approach you suggest gets
> more difficult when you want to execute in parallel.
> If you define your reducer over T as a (T,T) -> T (assuming
> associativity), then to compute the reduction in parallel, you can
> decompose your collection into chunks, reduce each chunk to a T, and
> then reduce the reduced values up the tree until you have a single T.
> If you define your reducer as a (T,U) -> U, you can reduce each chunk to
> a U, and then you have no way to combine the per-chunk Us into a single
> answer.
> On 5/21/2012 2:25 AM, François Sarradin wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm looking for an answer to a question about the method reduce.
> But, I
> > still haven't found it in archives of the mailing list. So here is my
> > question:
> >
> > The current signature of Iterable<T>.reduce is:
> >
> > T reduce(T base, BinaryOperator<T> reducer)
> >
> > I would like to know why the signature doesn't look like this one?
> >
> > <U> U reduce (U base, BiOp<T, U> reducer)
> >
> > where BiOp<T, U> is supposed to represent a function of two
> arguments of
> > respective types T and U, that returns a value of type U.
> >
> > I really think that this other signature can lead to more readable
> > code. Below is an example with, say, a set of products that you
> want to buy
> > in whatever store you want. And you want to know the total.
> >
> > With the current version of reduce:
> >
> > double total = -> p.getPrice()).reduce(0.0,
> (price,
> > subTotal) -> price + subTotal);
> >
> > With the other version of reduce in this mail:
> >
> > double total = products.reduce(0.0, (p, subTotal) ->
> p.getPrice() +
> > subTotal);
> >
> > I know that there is a method named mapReduce. But I'm still
> uncomfortable
> > with it:
> >
> > double total = products.mapReduce(p -> p.getPrice(), 0.0,
> (price,
> > subTotal) -> price + subTotal);
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Francois
> >
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