Defaults methods and Remoting

Takeshi Fukushima takeshi10 at
Wed May 23 14:24:57 PDT 2012

could that happen? i mean... if the client isnt compiled with the new
interface (with the new default'ed methods), how can he call the new
methods and thus trigger the error?
i'd say either the proxy forwards the method to the remote object (which i
think it's what is suppose to happen) or the proxy itself executes the body
of the method based on 'this' - the proxy itself (which, in turn, may call
remote methods)

we may generalize the question to: what happens to proxies when the proxied
interface has default implementation of methods? do those get forwarded to
the InvocationHandler?

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Paul Benedict <pbenedict at> wrote:

> The answer may be simple, but just wanted to throw this question out there.
> Business interfaces on Remote EJBs are necessary. What would happen if an
> interface evolved with default methods, but the default implementation only
> existed on the remoted end? I imagine an exception from the client's
> ClassLoader. I am curious if evolving interfaces and remoting are
> compatible or mutually exclusive.
> Paul

Marcelo Takeshi Fukushima

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