Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Wed May 23 22:49:24 PDT 2012
Yes, we've discussed zip operations that would produce a BiStream.
Straightforward enough, just hasn't come near the top of the list yet.
On 5/24/2012 12:53 AM, François Sarradin wrote:
> Hi,
> What do you think about adding a kind of zip or zipWith method to the
> Iterable interface?
> As a reminder, zipWith is a method that mixes two Iterables with a function
> in a view to produce a third Iterable. More exactly, zipWith takes elements
> of two Iterables one by one and applies a function on them in order to
> produce the elements of the third Iterable. In a sense, it is the inverse
> operation of tee. Notice that the resulting Iterable has as many elements
> as the smallest Iterable.
> For example, this is the way you would compose the methods zipWith and
> reduce to have a dot product operator:
> Iterable<Double> u = Arrays.asList(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
> Iterable<Double> v = Arrays.asList(4.0, 5.0, 6.0);
> double dotProduct = u.zipWith(v, (x, y) -> x * y).reduce(0.0, (x,
> y) -> x + y);
> assertEquals(32.0, dotProduct, 1e-7);
> zipWith is specifically a lazy method. Each element of the result can be
> evaluated independently from the other ones.
> A signature for zipWith in Iterables might be:
> <T1, T2, U> Iterable<U> zipWith(Iterable<T1> elements1, Iterable<T2>
> elements2, BiMapper<T1, T2, U> biMapper)
> Regards,
> françois-
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