Request for Review (#2) : CR#8001634 : Initial set of lambda functional interfaces

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Tue Nov 13 15:12:26 PST 2012

Nothing is final until (insert favorite metaphor here), but yes, we are 
looking for this to be the "effectively final" (though not necessarily 
complete) initial set of functional interfaces.  There was already a 
previous round of review with comment from the EG and from lambda-dev, 
so this round of review should focus on changes since the previous round.

On 11/13/2012 5:56 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> On 13 November 2012 19:05, Mike Duigou <mike.duigou at> wrote:
>> I've updated the webrev for the first set of lambda functional interfaces (JSR-335) with the feedback from the first review round. The updated webrev is:
>> This update includes:
>> - becomes Function.apply
>> - Factory.make becomes Supplier.get
>> - Specializations of Supplier for int, long, double
>> - Reorder type variables to put result last
>> - Fixes many javadoc and stylistic comments.
>> What didn't change:
>> - Block was not renamed to Action or Procedure. The name Block.apply currently conflicts with Function.apply and should be renamed. Block.accept? Block.perform?
>> - Combiner will be part of the full API but it's only present in this patch as a comment.
>> - No default methods.
> Can you confirm whether these are now considered to be the final
> naming choices, or whether they are still (improved) placeholders.
> Stephen

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