Question: Primitives functioanl classes

Paul Sandoz paul.sandoz at
Mon Nov 19 01:16:39 PST 2012

On Nov 19, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Boaz Nahum <boaznahum at> wrote:

> I see that in some cases you preserve the original method name
> IntUnaryOperator {
>    public default Integer operate(Integer operand) { return operate((int)
> operand); }
>    public int operate(int operand);
> -----------------------------------------------------
> IntBlock {
>    public default void accept(Integer t) { apply((int) t); }
>    public void apply(int t);

There is a glitch in IntBlock we need to fix. The method names are inconsistent, it should be "accept(int i)".

> But in others, you introduce new method name:
> IntFunction {
>     public default Integer apply(T t) { return applyAsInt(t); }
>    public int applyAsInt(T t)
> -----------------------------------------------------
> IntSupplier {
>    public default Integer get() { return getAsInt(); }
>    public int getAsInt()
> -----------------------------------------------------
> What problems were caused when tried to persevere the original name in the
> last two examples

The return type is different.


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