C/P/N/Q par vs. seq break-even analysis with 10ms think time

Aleksey Shipilev aleksey.shipilev at oracle.com
Thu Oct 18 10:31:44 PDT 2012

On 10/17/2012 06:34 PM, Doug Lea wrote:
>> Another thing is the interface between submitter and the FJP. I vaguely
>> recall the infrastructure for allowing submitters to run the tasks
>> themselves in in place, but how much effort that would take to get to at
>> least experimental readiness?
> It's there already (FJP.pollSubmission). But you probably have
> in mind help-outs of subtasks rather than full submissions?

Yes. I think making submitters to do initial splits and initial bulk
wakeups would be good for FJP rampup.


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