Single Abstract Method for SAMs cannot be polymorphic

Grégoire Neuville gregoire.neuville at
Tue Apr 2 13:16:19 PDT 2013

I meant 'the annotation *in itself* is marked as erroneous' : so does the
code '(a, g) -> new Gen<>()'.

Note though that the sole annotation (i.e if 'CoArbitrary<?> coArb = (a, g)
-> new Gen<>();' is commented) doesn't prevent the code from being compiled
by javac : should it ?

On 2 April 2013 22:04, Grégoire Neuville <gregoire.neuville at>wrote:

> Hi all,
> The below code :
> public class TestGenericSAM {
>   class Gen<B> {}
>   @FunctionalInterface
>   interface CoArbitrary<A> {
>     abstract <B> Gen<B> coarbitrary(A a, Gen<B> g);
>   }
>   void test() {
>     CoArbitrary<?> coArb = (a, g) -> new Gen<>();
>   }
> }
> doesn't compile. I guess this is by design (the annotation alone is marked
> as erroneous by IntelliJ), but I'm just wondering why.
> Thanks a lot for any explanation !
> --
> Grégoire Neuville

Grégoire Neuville

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