Stream parallel() / sequential() question.

Boaz Nahum boaznahum at
Thu Apr 4 06:31:57 PDT 2013

Sory for my previouse mail, was too eraly

Let me explain, I wrote a simple Consumer that report how many different
threads used to run it:

> source.
>             parallel().peek(new ThreadReporter("Segement 1 parallel")).
>             sequential().peek(new ThreadReporter("Segement 2 sequential")).
>             parallel().peek(new ThreadReporter("Segement 3 parallel")).
>             sequential().peek(new ThreadReporter("Segement 4
> sequential")).forEach((t) -> {});

> private static class ThreadReporter implements Consumer<Integer> {

>         @Override
>         public void accept(Integer integer) {
>             threads.put(Thread.currentThread(), true);
>         }
>     }
And then I saw that all consumer run in single thread if  'sequential()'
was the last to invoked, or all run in multiple threads if 'parallel()' was
last to be invoked.

Till now I believed that I I have non thread safe consumer I can just
project it by:

  stream.sequential().peek(nonThreadSafeConsumer).parallel() ... other
concurrent threads safe work

Is my observation is wrong ? Or 'peek' have a special behavior ?


and sorry again for the junk mail I sent.


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