Stream parallel() / sequential() question.

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Thu Apr 4 07:05:11 PDT 2013

This was simplified recently.

There is *one* sequential/parallel bit for the whole pipeline.  The 
stream starts off with it set one way or the other.  These calls 
overwrite it.  The bit is only acted on when you actually start the 
computation (invoke the terminal operation.)

On 4/4/2013 9:21 AM, Boaz Nahum wrote:
> When I invoked parallel() or sequential() how backward it goes ?
> Let me explain, I wrote a simple Consumer that report how many different
> threads used to run it:
> source.
>              parallel().peek(new ThreadReporter("Segement 1 parallel")).
>              sequential().peek(new ThreadReporter("Segement 2 sequential")).
>              parallel().peek(new ThreadReporter("Segement 3 parallel")).
>              sequential().peek(new ThreadReporter("Segement 4
> sequential")).forEach((t) -> {});
>   private static class ThreadReporter implements Consumer<Integer> {
>          @Override
>          public void accept(Integer integer) {
>              threads.put(Thread.currentThread(), true);
>          }
>          public void report() {
>              System.out.println("Name +'" + name + "': " + threads.size() +
> " Thread(s)");
>          }
>      }

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