Stream reuse in superclass

David Holmes david.holmes at
Thu Apr 4 18:31:18 PDT 2013

On 5/04/2013 6:59 AM, Jose wrote:
> I have a class that contains a method that consumes a Stream (previously was
> a Collection)

And that is your problem. You can not think of operations on a stream 
the way you would a collection, as a stream is not a collection. Your 
class that operated on the elements of the collection would now become 
an operation to be passed to a suitable stream method to be applied to 
each element.


> Class Foo<T>{
> 	   bar(Stream<T> s){
>                        .........
> 	}
> }
> This method is overriden in a subclass, that first consumes the stream and
> then calls super
> Class PowerFoo<T> extends Foo<T>{
>     	bar(Stream<T> s){
>       		doImportantThingsWidth(s);
> 		//now the stream is consumed  :-(
> 	}
> }
> What is the recomended way to handle situations like this?.
> Curently I'm collecting the stream into a list and getting two streams from
> it.

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