Default methods in multiple parents

Zhong Yu zhong.j.yu at
Sun Apr 7 08:41:13 PDT 2013

Consider this example of diamond inheritance

    interface NumberInterface
        default Number foo(){ return 1; }

    interface IntegerInterface extends NumberInterface
        default Integer foo(){ return 2; }

    static class NumberClass implements NumberInterface

    static class IntegerClass extends NumberClass implements

The code compiles and works. However I am a little uncertain. My doubt is
this: arguably, NumberClass "contains" a method `Number foo()`.
IntegerClass skips that `foo()` method in its super class and inherits a
`foo()` from a super interface, is that justifiable? Actually, if we copy{} into NumberClass,

    static class NumberClass implements NumberInterface
        public Number foo(){ return 1; }

a seemingly innocent move, suddenly IntegerClass cannot compile anymore
(due to incompatible return types).

Could someone confirm that the original example works correctly according
to the spec? (I hope so since I'm depending on it.)

Zhong Yu

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