IntPipelineError in a nested loop

Jose jgetino at
Tue Apr 9 02:21:36 PDT 2013


Sorry if this issue has been commented before, but I coudn't find it in the

Tryng to use IntStream to emulate a nested loop, I get a IntPipelineError.

The code is below:

public interface IntBiConsumer {
    void accept(int n, int m);

    static void fold(IntStream sx, IntStream sy, IntBiConsumer bc) {
        sx.forEach(nx -> sy.forEach(ny -> bc.accept(nx, ny)));

    class Demo {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            IntStream sx = Streams.intRange(0, 10);
            IntStream sy = Streams.intRange(0, 5);
            IntBiConsumer bc = (x, y) -> System.out.println("x: " + x + ",
y: " + y);
            fold(sx, sy, bc);

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