RFR 8011805: Update sun.tools.java class file reading/writing support to include the new constant pool entries (including invokedynamic)

Robert Field robert.field at oracle.com
Thu Apr 11 14:23:26 PDT 2013

Thank you Mike, Alan, and Brian for your reviews, and others for your 

Updated webrev:


Changes are all in the test:

* Removed unused testWrite and related code.
* Used correct copyright.
* Added finally clauses which close file and clean-up.
* Simplified code, removing rmic copied code.
* Fixed @test comment format.


On 04/10/13 21:24, Robert Field wrote:
> Currently blocking lambda library pushes.  Internal class reader used by
> rmic does not support new constant pool constant types:
>    CONSTANT_METHODHANDLE         = 15;
>    CONSTANT_METHODTYPE           = 16;
> Please review the fix for CR:
>        http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8011805
> Webrev:
>        http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rfield/8011805/

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