Collecion as collector

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Thu Apr 18 14:29:25 PDT 2013

We started here (with into(collection)) and discovered that approach had 
many flaws.

To name one, there's no way to make it parallel without guessing at the 
thread-safety of the target.

A Collector embodies information as to how to *create* a target 
collection.  In a parallel reduction, it may in fact create multiple 
smaller collections, and then merges them into one, which can be done 
safely even if the collections are not thread-safe (due to serial 
thread-confinement.)  This would be a sequential-only idiom, and we've 
worked very hard to make all the operations on streams work well either 
sequentially or parallel.

On 4/18/2013 5:07 PM, Jose wrote:
> I'm wonder why the Collection interface don't extend Collector using default
> methods. Al least a collection is the most obvious Collector you can
> imagine.
> This would allow adding elements to an existing collection using a
> straightforward idiom:
> Collection myCollection=..
> stram1.collect(myCollection);
> stram1.collect(myCollection);
> I have done this in custom classes that wrap a Collection and I feel it
> makes code more readable.

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