A question on parallel

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Mon Aug 26 08:36:11 PDT 2013

The streams framework has no awareness of "special" threads like EDT. 
EDT is the initiating thread, no different from any other thread.

When you initiate a terminal stream operation (sequential or parallel), 
the initiating thread is blocked until the operation completes.  If the 
computation is parallel, the initiating thread may get coopted into 
being a worker thread.

  - No special behavior for EDT
  - The seq/par distinction is indistinguishable from the EDT's 
perspective, since both block until the operation is done.

Even if the initiating thread didn't temporarily join the worker pool, 
the EDT would still be blocked.

On 8/26/2013 11:20 AM, Jose wrote:
> When running a parallel pipeline form the EDT, which policy determimine
> which tasks will run on the EDT?
> There is a way to make all the resulting tasks to run in working threads?

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