Where to send people for preview builds and javadocs

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at oracle.com
Mon Aug 26 15:53:31 PDT 2013

On Aug 26 2013, at 15:12 , Michael Hixson wrote:

> Hello,
> I wrote a blog post about Java 8 a while ago that focused mostly on
> project lambda features.  It contained some links to a locally-hosted
> version of the javadocs and invited people to download preview builds
> from here:
> http://jdk8.java.net/lambda/
> 1. Is that still the right place to send people for preview builds?

Yes. Though non-totally-bleeding-edge folks may want to look at the general Java 8 preview instead: 


which now has most of the lambda functionality. At this point the lambda preview is probably of interest to only those who are interested in specific fixes.

> 2. If the answer for #1 will change over time, is there a mailing list
> that will notify people about that change?

This list.

> 3. Is there an Oracle-hosted, non-.zip version of the javadocs that's
> kept up to date with the latest preview builds?

No. Unfortunately it has been too cumbersome for lambda preview to push a live set of docs.

The general Java 8 preview builds *do* publish live javadocs that will generally (and increasingly) be quite similar to the lambda docs here:




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