Reference a blank final field from lambda body
Zhong Yu
zhong.j.yu at
Fri Dec 20 14:31:12 PST 2013
The following code does not compile (jdk8b120), where a blank final
field is referenced from a lambda body by its simple name
public class Tmp
final int i;
public Tmp(int i)
this.i = i;
void r()
int k = i; // [1]
final Runnable r = ()->
int k = i; // [2] javac error: `i` not initialized
which is unfortunate, because this pattern of usage is quite innocent;
people are probably going to do it a lot. There's no apparently reason
why [1] is ok but [2] is not.
Anyways, the workaround seems to be to prefix the simple name with "this."
final Runnable r = ()->
int k = this.i;
It compiles in javac, *however*, I cannot take javac's word for it at
this point [1]. Someone please confirm that this workaround is correct
and is intended by the spec. Or if it is not, what other workarounds
are available.
Zhong Yu
[1] Why javac seems unreliable on this matter - it also compiles this code
public class Tmp
final int i;
public Tmp(int i)
this.i = this.i; // it compiles! bug or feature?
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