TestNG tests appear to hang with latest lambda
Stephen Colebourne
scolebourne at joda.org
Thu Feb 21 05:13:55 PST 2013
In order to get the testng tests on JSR-310 to complete in any
reasonable time, I had to make the testng output directory excluded in
the virus checker.
On 21 February 2013 13:09, Ben Evans <benjamin.john.evans at gmail.com> wrote:
> Tried again, tests pass about 1/3 (others SIGSEGV) - but without
> appreciable speedup for ant test-libs.
> Ben
> On 20 Feb 2013 20:31, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:
>> The error you see is a transient VM error that we're chasing down,
>> meanwhile the tests may pass if you try again.
>> On 2/20/2013 8:19 PM, Ben Evans wrote:
>>> Hi Cédric,
>>> I've tried with 6.9-beta. It reduces the amount of memory used
>>> slightly (but the process still grows to over 2Gb) and the time taken
>>> somewhat - now down to 8 mins for the ant test target.
>>> However, the ant test-libs target is now dying with a SIGSEGV (hs_err
>>> files attached) - although this may of course be for unrelated
>>> reasons.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ben
>>> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Cédric Beust ♔ <cedric at beust.com> wrote:
>>>> I provided a beta version in the issue provided by Michael (reproduced
>>>> below) which gets rid of EmailableReporter. Ben, can you try with this
>>>> beta
>>>> version and see if it fixes the problem?
>>>> Issue: https://github.com/cbeust/**testng/issues/219<https://github.com/cbeust/testng/issues/219>
>>>> Beta: http://testng.org/beta
>>>> --
>>>> Cédric
>>>> --
>>>> Cédric
>>>> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I think that's likely what's going on -- TestNG buffering lots of
>>>>> per-test metadata, expanding the heap and causing paging/frequent GCs.
>>>>> There's a smaller test suite for the libraries only (ant test-libs) that
>>>>> we usually run.
>>>>> On 2/20/2013 4:32 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>>>>> My understanding is that TestNG does not scale well with too many test
>>>>>> cases,
>>>>>> and folk are just testing stuff "too much" these days :-)
>>>>>> -- Jon
>>>>>> On 02/20/2013 01:27 PM, Ben Evans wrote:
>>>>>>> OK, following up to my own mail.
>>>>>>> The tests will actually complete if left for long enough, but the
>>>>>>> process gets *huge* - at least 2.8G in size, and if other processes
>>>>>>> are running, it will take a very long time to complete.
>>>>>>> Does anyone have any insight as to why the tests consume so much
>>>>>>> memory?
>>>>>>> Ben
>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Ben Evans
>>>>>>> <benjamin.john.evans at gmail.com**> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I'm writing some docs for AdoptOpenJDK about getting started writing
>>>>>>>> TestNG tests, in advance of the hackdays at Devoxx UK.
>>>>>>>> However, with latest lambda, the TestNG tests appear to hang (output
>>>>>>>> below). The process grows in size to over 1Gb, and then appears to
>>>>>>>> freeze. It's still responsive (so I can connect jvisualvm to it, but
>>>>>>>> when I sample the code, nothing appears to be running).
>>>>>>>> This is on Mac 10.7 with OpenJDK 8 from current lambda.
>>>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Ben
>>>>>>>> ariel:test-ng boxcat$ ant test
>>>>>>>> Buildfile: /Users/boxcat/projects/lambda/**jdk/test-ng/build.xml
>>>>>>>> prepare:
>>>>>>>> test-compile:
>>>>>>>> [javac] /Users/boxcat/projects/lambda/**
>>>>>>>> jdk/test-ng/build.xml:78:
>>>>>>>> warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to
>>>>>>>> build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
>>>>>>>> [javac] /Users/boxcat/projects/lambda/**
>>>>>>>> jdk/test-ng/build.xml:82:
>>>>>>>> warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to
>>>>>>>> build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
>>>>>>>> [javac] /Users/boxcat/projects/lambda/**
>>>>>>>> jdk/test-ng/build.xml:86:
>>>>>>>> warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to
>>>>>>>> build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
>>>>>>>> test:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Results at:
>>>>>>> file:../../build/test-ng/test-**reports/index.html
>>>>>> [testng] [TestNG] Running:
>>>>>>>> [testng] Ant suite
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng] Generating exhaustive interface....
>>>>>>>> [testng] 8 No default
>>>>>>>> [testng] 8 Error
>>>>>>>> [testng] 48 OK
>>>>>>>> [testng] 64 Total
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng] Generating exhaustive class....
>>>>>>>> [testng] 729 No default
>>>>>>>> [testng] 49 Error
>>>>>>>> [testng] 950 OK
>>>>>>>> [testng] 1728 Total
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng] Generating shapes interface....
>>>>>>>> [testng] 109 No default
>>>>>>>> [testng] 280 Error
>>>>>>>> [testng] 507 OK
>>>>>>>> [testng] 896 Total
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng] Generating shapes class/interface....
>>>>>>>> [testng] 190 No default
>>>>>>>> [testng] 568 Error
>>>>>>>> [testng] 536 OK
>>>>>>>> [testng] 1294 Total
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng] Expect OK: 2041 -- unique 1813
>>>>>>>> [testng] Expect Error: 905 -- unique 773
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng] Generating exhaustive interface....
>>>>>>>> [testng] 8 No default
>>>>>>>> [testng] 8 Error
>>>>>>>> [testng] 48 OK
>>>>>>>> [testng] 64 Total
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng] Generating exhaustive class....
>>>>>>>> [testng] 729 No default
>>>>>>>> [testng] 49 Error
>>>>>>>> [testng] 950 OK
>>>>>>>> [testng] 1728 Total
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng] Generating shapes interface....
>>>>>>>> [testng] 109 No default
>>>>>>>> [testng] 280 Error
>>>>>>>> [testng] 507 OK
>>>>>>>> [testng] 896 Total
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng] Generating shapes class/interface....
>>>>>>>> [testng] 190 No default
>>>>>>>> [testng] 568 Error
>>>>>>>> [testng] 536 OK
>>>>>>>> [testng] 1294 Total
>>>>>>>> [testng]
>>>>>>>> [testng] Expect OK: 2041 -- unique 1813
>>>>>>>> [testng] Expect Error: 905 -- unique 773
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