Bitten by the lambda parameter name

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Mon Jul 15 08:59:07 PDT 2013

On 15/07/13 16:37, Remi Forax wrote:
> On 07/15/2013 05:34 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>> On 15/07/13 16:32, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>> On 15/07/13 16:28, Remi Forax wrote:
>>>> On 07/15/2013 05:13 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>> On 15/07/13 15:52, Remi Forax wrote:
>>>>>> This snippet not compile,
>>>>>>     Kind kind = ...
>>>>>>     partySetMap.computeIfAbsent(kind, kind -> new 
>>>>>> HashSet<>()).add(party);
>>>>>> Each time I write more than a hundred lines of codes that use 
>>>>>> some lambdas,
>>>>>> I fall into this trap.
>>>>>> It's very annoying !
>>>>>> Rémi
>>>>> Annoying yes - but there is a reason for it? If we provide special 
>>>>> scoping for lambda parameters then we will never be able to add 
>>>>> control abstraction syntax in a nice way; not saying that it's 
>>>>> something we want - but it's good to have option open at least.
>>>> It's a crystal ball argument, in the future if we do that then ...
>>>> It usually doesn't work because between now and the future, the way 
>>>> the feature will be introduced will change.
>>> Well, yes and no - I remember we discussed a lot whether a lambda 
>>> should look (semantically) more like a block or an inner class. We 
>>> decided it should look like the former. This is a consequence of 
>>> that decision. I think that mixing and matching semantics on a 
>>> by-need basis is not a good idea.
>> And - one might argue the code you are trying to write is not that 
>> readable in the first place (adding random suffixes just to get it 
>> through javac is not very elegant readability-wise, but it does 
>> convery the concept that the two references of 'kind' which occur 
>> very close one to the other are indeed unrelated).
>> Maurizio
> Most of the time, there are not unrelated because the two variables 
> carry the same reference like in Map.computeIfAbsent.
> Correctly naming things (variables, methods, types, etc) is one of the 
> hardest things you do when you write code,
> in that context, having to find two different names for the same 
> things is really weird.

But - back to your code, couldn't the lambda be shared among all uses of 
computeIfAbsent that target your partySetMap?

> Rémi
>>> Maurizio
>>>> In this peculiar case, if we add control abstraction syntax we will 
>>>> use a different syntax,
>>>> so it's very annoying for no reason.
>>>>> Maurizio
>>>> Rémi

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