Bitten by the lambda parameter name

Remi Forax forax at
Tue Jul 16 08:20:52 PDT 2013

On 07/16/2013 05:05 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> On 16/07/13 16:00, Peter Levart wrote:
>> Perhaps here, an overloaded Map.computeIfAbsent that takes a Supplier 
>> instead of Function would be handy. Even when you need the key to 
>> construct new value, it is usually ready in some effectively-final 
>> variable in the scope. And when you don't need the key, a constructor 
>> reference could be applied like:
>> partySetMap.computeIfAbsent(kind, HashSet::new).add(...); 
> +1
> I think the underlying problem to this discussion might be that there 
> are places (and computeIfAbsent seems to be one of them) where the 
> lambdi-fication of the library took a somewhat convoluted path, in 
> which the 'same' variables needs to be supplied multiple times in 
> order to keep the chain happy (which then turns out to be problematic 
> because of scoping rules).

There is a big difference, if you provide the key as parameter the 
lambda will be a constant so the cost of using it is 0
(if you forget the initialization cost), if you don't provide the key as 
parameter, you will need to capture it and in that case, the runtime 
will create a fresh lambda for each call.

> In my eyes, computeIfAbsent also looks a bit off - i.e. wouldn't it be 
> useful to provide an option to fill in default values for absent keys 
> at map construction rather than at call site?

computeIfAbsent, put the computed value in the Map if the couple 
key/value doesn't exist,
thus computeIfAbsent is useful when using a Map as a cache.
The method that provide a default value is getOrDefault and yes, it's 
often better to send the default value when creating the Map,
because the default value usually doesn't change but at the same time, 
storing a default value like Collections.emptySet() in each map is not 
very memory efficient.

> Maurizio


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