Shall we add compose/andThen to IntFunction/LongFunction

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Sun Jun 30 06:42:02 PDT 2013

IntUnaryOperator (int -> int) and friends do.  But the mixed functions 
like IntFunction<T> (int -> T) would arguably need multiple compose 
functions for different types, which then ask for overload ambiguities.

On 6/30/2013 4:40 AM, Tristan Yan wrote:
> I understand why IntFunction/LongFunction doesn't inherit Function, but this makes IntFunction/LongFunction doesn't have compose/andThen methods. Do we have plan to add them?
> Thank you
> Tristan Yan(Haibo Yan)
> Office : 8610-61066212
> Fax  : 8610-61065441
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> 2F, Building No. 24, Zhongguancun Software Park
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> oracle

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